Showing dogs allows other breeders to see the stock you are raising and exibiting. Many times a really excellent stud dog is shown. When a person finishes their first set of championship points the person who owns the dog asks themselves, "Is this dog "Specials" material?", meaning can they go on to a higher level of championships and can they compete at high these levels easily winning? So many of our really structurally sound dogs are of the same lines we have warned against they have Iron Eyes x Xanadu in them upwards of 10-37 times. When a dog has good structure and good movement and the will to win, that dog starts to show beyond a simple championship and starts to try to be ranked within a breed and in the bouvier they call it the top 20. The culmination of the competition is to show at the National Specialty a show that features only the dogs of one breed and the top 20 competition along with Best of Breed is the spot these Specials dogs want the most. And its not the dogs who desire the accolade it is the owners who want the crown.
For the people watching if they do not internalize nor know the nature of the H lines will often seek out the person who owns the dog who is winning in the ring, and try to buy frozen semen or mate with this dog so they too may have a top winning dog down the road. A stud can be used as many times as he is employed to do so. This over use causes a flood of this dogs genes to be spread all over the world. If the dog is of poor genetic health history the ramifications are horrible for the breed. Never mind pretty dogs, the genetic time bomb this popular stud creates is bad all the way around for the breed.
The H litter itself saw the spread of Glaucoma, Cataracts, Heart Disease and other issues as each one bred multiple times. There were seven offspring from that litter with the PROFESSIONAL handlers finishing 6 of the seven,
Those six went on to breed
Hannah 4 offspring
Harry S truman 16 offspring
Hell's Angel zero!
Dragon 19 offspring
Hot Rod 154 offspring
Hot shot 167 offspring
Hunters moon 27 offspring
for a total of 391 possible carriers of Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Heart Disease to name a few.
A visit to the Bouvier database of Pedigrees will astonish the readeras to how many dogs and kennels were affected by this pedigree. It is astoundnishing and heart breaking at the same time. Bajoron had two dogs that were of this pedigree and we had issues with both. We learned very quickly from our mentors help, what the issue was and where it came from. We determined at that point those two dogs, were never bred because we did not want to perpetuate health problems.
The other breeders used OFA to prove their dogs were not sick. . . . yet they were in many cases carriers that sent out the issues like a plaque. The issues are still with us and being bred unchecked. The only hope is that someday the others will stop or the studies that are now being done see some sort of break through. |